There's something different about myself, I guess is the style I wear to clubbing.
Me and Racheal.
Ks and Sandy.
I went to Barcelona again. Lolz, with Sandy. Go fetch her, actually we wanted to go MOS but once I received Xiao Ba's sms, straight headed to Barcelona. I wanna drunk. That's the only thing on my mind. Yea, met Canz, ks, Cindy Tan, Fanny I smoke the whole night. Then Xiao Ba reach there, we open whisky. For the first 2 cups, I drink nonstop. And then go dance. Dance with Xiao Ba, Sandy, Sam, ks, Cindy Lee and a short tb which I don't know her name and others. Then smoke all salem cigarettes, 14 of them, Xiao Ba scold me=.= And I accidentally burned someone shirt=.= I'm so so so sorry>.< Because I was dancing with See Saw and the person was just stood behind See Saw. I apologized to her many times.
Well, actually I wasn't drunk. It's because I dance too high, my stomach can't overtake it. I vomited in the end. Lolz, so shamed. Then sat at the sofa rest, Xiao Ba take care of me. I just knew, my stomach damn painful and I wanted to sleep. I lied down on Xiao Ba's leg and she was spraying cold water on my face. Canz accompany me to toilet, when back there, Sam take care of me. Then Sam fetch us go Asia Cafe, actually I don't want to walk. I knew once I walk I will vomit..lolz But Sandy was hungry, no idea, just followed them. While walking to my car, my stomach convulsion and I vomited again.
Then Sam sent Sandy back home, then back my home sleep.
Thanks to Xiao Ba, Canz, Sandy and Sam for taking care me.^^*